ABOUT Beverly

I am voice over

When we were very young children, my father introduced my sisters and I to the world of books via a wall-to-wall packed library in our bedroom. My father read us many stories from those books until we were able to read on our own. But he didn’t just read. He dramatized story time by giving the characters voice and emotions thus making the stories so interesting and captivating. Many years later I would do something similar for my six-grade class while teaching them history. I and eventually my students gave those historical characters voices and dramatically narrated the various scenarios thus inspiring a love for books for my students.

As time passed, I changed careers. I was on a different mission for four decades. and now as I conclude that mission, I am transitioning back to something I love and that is Reading books and doing so as a voice actor, bringing life to words.

My mission:

I devoted four decades as a clinical social worker working with pediatric oncology patients, Vietnam veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder, psychiatric patients, and the Child Welfare System. A first and second near fatal collapse happened because I did not cost the cost and impact of the suffering and tragedies I faced daily.
However, during my struggle for recovery and the many hours I had to contemplate what happened to me and what was next for me, it came to me that I was to return to the many fields of human services and caregiving as a trauma specialist and educate, facilitate recovery and coach the “Helpers” throughout the country how to protect themselves from a potentially debilitating stress syndromes inherent in their service to children, youth, and adults who are impacted by traumatic life experiences. I taught these service providers about the neuro-physiological impacts (effects?) of compassion fatigue, AKA secondary and vicarious trauma

A third serious episode of heart failure determined that I was to step down at long last and devote my time to self-care and authoring a third book on the subject. However, in the process, I was led to build an online training campus for the human service providers. I placed the campus [wellnessresetcampus.com] in great hands to continue the work while I continue to serve on an emeritus/consultant basis. Ergo, my transition….

© 2018 Beverly Kyer

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